Sunday, November 4, 2012

Indian Pudding ... not quite as expected!

Lately, when I check out my pantry to find an ingredient that I don't use very often, I wonder what else I could be making that requires this. So that too is a focus for this adventure in my kitchen.

This time ..... molasses and cornmeal. I found a recipe in my old Fannie Farmer for a very old time New World staple called Indian Pudding that uses both of these staples. Its a twist on the British fondness for puddings using a New World staple .. cornmeal.

Followed the recipe, but it felt not quite right . Too much liquid ( 4 cups milk) for 1/2 cup cornmeal. But I did each step - double boiler, then water bath for 3 hours. Long story, it did not firm up at all. Just a brown mess. Tasted good though. Lots of , butter, brown sugar, molasses, cinnamon and ginger, how could it not taste good! I will try this again, but with a different recipe. I found one on-line that looks better.

I have set up the "Comments" function properly now, so I'd love to get your input.

1 comment:

MdJ said...

I hope I have now enabled this function!