Sunday, December 30, 2012

Buckwheat Bread

Always up for trying something new to me, I've been up for trying to make a Buckwheat Bread. Pretty strait forward recipe, but not too much rise, especially the second rise.

As to taste, well then, what can I use to describe it? Bitter, and not pleasant to my taste buds. I'm not sure if its just the buckwheat or the combination with molasses in the recipe that I don't like.

Buckwheat is not a grain at all, but is a plant related to rhubarb. Its the seeds that are used in a variety of cuisines to make porridge, blinis, pancakes and the like. Its often used in breads too for those with gluten allergies. It is one of the healthiest grain substitutes out there. That being said, I do not like the taste of this bread!

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