Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sourdough Bread with Wheat Bran

Got to see if my Sourdough Starter works, so I'm making a sourdough bread recipe from Lauren Chattman's Bread Baking. Seems appropriate, since I used the starter recipe from there as well.

I ended up not following all of the risings as set out.

Final Build 
1/2 cup starter
2/3 cup unbleached bread flour
1 tbsp rye flour
1/3 cup water

Put starter in clean bowl and add other ingredients. Mix and cover and let stand for 12 hours


4 1/2 cups unbleached bread flour
1/2 cup wheat bran
1 1/2 cup plus water at room temperature
1 1/4 tsp sea salt

Combine all ingredients except salt, above in bowl of stand mixer.Stir with rubber paddle till rough dough.Cover bowl and let sit for 20 minutes.

Add salt and final build sourdough mixture and use rubber paddle to incorporate with a few turns. Switch to dough hook and mix about 10 minutes till smooth and stretchy. Turn out into bowl sprayed with cooking spray and cover. Let sit for 1 hour.

Here is where I changed directions from the recipe with had another 3 risings. My dough was very soft and loose at this point event though it seemed to have the proper consistency at the end of the kneading stage.

I punched down the dough and cut it in 2 , shaped the loaves and put each into prepared bread pans. I ended up letting it rise for 5 hours in total.

Preheated oven to 475 and baked the loaves for about 50 minutes.

Bread did not rise above the pan ( or I did not risk since it was so soft) but the results are quite tasty. Good crumb. The wheat bran given a bit of texture and flavour.

I wonder what it would have been like if I had followed the separate punch down and risings?

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