Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rustic Ciabatta Day Three

If you read my previous post you will know that I did not bake all of the dough from my Rustic Ciabatta experiment. Instead I refrigerated about 60% of the dough overnight, to bake the next day, for company. So the following day I took out the dough and let it rest to come to temperature. Next I cut it into two pieces and spread them out on parchment covered baking sheets. I dusted them with flour and covered each pan and let them rise. This took about 2 hours. In the meantime I pre-heated the oven to 475 degrees.

Uncovered the loaves and sprayed the oven with water. Put in my loaves, sprayed the tops, and sprayed the inside of the oven again every 10 minutes.The loaves were ready in 30 minutes. Results were fine; a little less risen than the loaf from the day before, but large crumb and chewy texture.

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