Sunday, January 13, 2013

Brioche Crescents & Brioche Parisienne -Day 1

I have decided to make Brioche again, this time using the classic recipe for Brioche with Starter from Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of breads. There are some differences from the earlier recipe I tried from the New York Times Cookbook, especially in the Starter preparation.

Brioche with Starter

Starter Ingredients:

2 1/4 tsp dry yeast
1/2 cup warm milk
1 cup all-purpose flour

Dissolve yeast in warm milk This was harder than disolving it in warm water. Not sure why.
Stir in flour till its a shaggy mess and mix for 3 minutes. Cover with plastic and leave at room temperature for 2 hours.

Dough Ingredients:

4 cups all-purpose flour
6 eggs at room temperature
1/4 -1/2 cup water warm (105-115)
3 tbsp sugar
1/1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup butter at room temperature

Prepare dough first, by putting 2 cups flour in bowl of stand mixer.. Break 4 eggs into well in middle of flour and mix with spatula blade. Add 1/4 cup water, sugar, salt and blend to make batter. I added a bit more water at this point.
Soften butter and add to batter along with 2 more eggs. Mix on slow with dough hook until butter is incorporated. Stop mixer and add starter to dough and mic for 8 to 10 minutes until both doughs are mixed. The dough will be somewhat soft and tacky.I did add a few more tsp on flour.

Place dough in greased bowl and cover with plastic. Leave at room temperature till doubled, about 2 hours.

Punch down dough and turn with hand and place back in bowl and cover. Refrigerate overnight.

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