Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cassava Cake

I picked up some cassava root recently since its something I've never used in cooking. Since I'm into experimenting, it was time to find out how to use this root. I found that it is also called yucca and it is part of the tapioca family, so a starch. A number or south Asian cuisines make it into a cake, so cake it is!! More like a custard cake.

Cassava Cake

2 cups peeled grated cassava
3 eggs beaten
1 can  evaporated milk
1 can  sweetened condensed milk
1 can coconut milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Mix all ingredients till thoroughly combined and pour into baking dish.

Bake for 1 hour. Cool completely in refrigerator before serving.

Very tasty, with a hint of coconut. Bit chewy from the cassava root. I served it with a tropical fruit salad.

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